Our Healthy Eating Scheme
The food we eat fuels our brain! Research suggests that nutritious foods can help the brain function and create better focus as well as helping to support the immune system.
It is our priority to provide freshly prepared, home cooked, healthy nutritious meals and snacks each day. A great deal of care is taken to develop a healthy, well balanced and tasty menu for our children. Planning this draws on guidance from the Eat Well Start Well and the Governments under 5 menu planning guide.
Our menus rotate every four weeks to ensure our children have a good variety of foods and flavours. We use local produce, meat from the butchers, seasonal fruit and vegetables and omit salt from our cooking. All dietary requirements are catered for. We are proud of our food hygiene rating of 5 (Very Good)
Our mealtimes are an enjoyable social occasion with opportunities to encourage communication skills and language development. Children are actively encouraged to participate in meal times and will help to set up the dining tables, serve their own food and pour their own drinks.